Welcome to the Center for Psychological Sciences at Zhejiang University


The Third "Biweekly Academic Seminar" of the Center in 2019 Was Successfully Held

Edit:Shen Dong,Yanfei Wang     Time:2019-06-13      Views:10725

At 3 p.m. on June 4, the third "Biweekly Academic Seminar" of the Center for Psychological Sciences arrived as scheduled. Researchers Xiaoqing Gao and Professor Huagen Wan of the Center made reports entitled “Familiar with Facial Cognitive Neural Mechanisms Based on Fast Periodic Stimulation Functional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Paradigm ”and  "Implicit Intention and Explicit Action Enabling Multimodal Three-dimensional Object Acquisition Method" respectively, which introduced the latest research progress in the research group. Academician Shengming Ma, Professor Liezhong Ge, Professor Changxu Wu and Professor  Jie Xu attended the seminar. Professor  Jian Wang  presided over the seminar.


In his report “Familiar with Familiar Face Cognitive Neural Mechanisms Based on Fast Cyclic Stimulation Functional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Paradigm”, Xiaoqing Gao introduced the idea of using “Fast Cyclic Stimulation"to study the familiar with the research assumption of facial cognitive neuromechanism,  emphasizing the advantages and challenges of current research. During the discussion, Professor Changxu Wu and Professor Jian Wang put forward their own suggestions and doubts on the details of the experimental materials and the purpose of the research. Other teachers also actively participated in the discussion.


Professor  Huagen Wan reported on the improvement of "Implicit Intention and Explicit Action Enabling Multimodal Three-dimensional Object Acquisition Method"in the first  "Biweekly Academic Seminar", and visually demonstrated the experimental process from the perspective of VR, which was not shown in detail in the first  report, the teachers discussed in detail the next research plan of the study.

Looking forward to the excellent contents of the fourth "Biweekly Academic Seminar" of the Center in 2019!

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