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China General Nuclear Power Group visited the Center for Psychological Sciences at Zhejiang University

Edit:     Time:May 04, 2018      Views:16701

Ke Tan, deputy director of the state key laboratory of CGN nuclear security monitoring technology and equipment, and Maotian Wang, director of integrated management in nuclear power innovation platform of yantai nuclear power research and development center, together with seven people in CGN, came to the Center for Psychological Sciences at Zhejiang University for communication on May 4th.

Professor Liezhong Ge and professor Huagen Wan introduced the basic conditions of the center, especially the laboratory. The two sides discussed the application and prospect of multi-modal interaction technology and social technology research orientation in China's nuclear power field in detail, and exchanged views on the recently signed cooperation projects. They also visited the central movement and control laboratory.

The communication increase cooperation between the Center for Psychological Sciences at Zhejiang University and the state key laboratory of CGN nuclear security monitoring technology and equipment and other important nuclear power industry research units in China, which will promote center’s multimodal human computer interaction and social technology system research in the related fields of nuclear technology.



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